How to Recover ESXI Servers from Akira Ransomware?

Akira ransomware has emerged as a significant threat to VMware’s ESXi hypervisors, targeting virtualized environments by encrypting critical data and demanding ransoms in cryptocurrency. If your ESXi servers have fallen victim to Akira ransomware, decrypting your encrypted virtual machines is paramount for restoring operations and minimizing disruptions. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the…

Case Study: Decrypting 50 TB of Data from Akira Ransomware for a Major US Tech Company

Case Study: Decrypting 50 TB of Data from Akira Ransomware for a Major US Tech Company

A leading US-based technology firm experienced a severe ransomware attack involving the Akira ransomware, which encrypted over 50 terabytes of crucial data. Utilizing our advanced Akira ransomware decryptor, we successfully decrypted and restored the encrypted data, helping the company avoid significant financial losses and operational disruptions. The decryption service, priced at $20,000 in Bitcoin, was…

akira italian company

Case Study: How we decrypted the data of Italian Company from Akira Ransomware

A few days ago, an Italian company experienced an infection by the latest variant of Akira ransomware, resulting in the encryption of all critical data. The company reached out to us via WhatsApp, providing detailed information about the attack. Our specialized team requested the ransom note and several files for evaluation. Upon receiving the files…

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